
My name is James Rudd. I'm a doctor, scientist and technophile living in Cambridge. Exiled Northerner. Amateur guitar player. Long-suffering Grimsby Town FC supporter.

I am a Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Honorary Consultant in Cardiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the University of Cambridge. 

My research interests are in risk prediction using imaging (CT, MRI and PET). I apply biomechanical and mathematical methods, including AI to refine risk on top of imaging and demographic factors. I work across disease states, including stroke, ischaemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, aortic aneurysm, rheumatoid arthritis and pulmonary hypertension. I am the clinical lead at the EPSRC centre for the mathematics of information in healthcare.

After medical training in UK and Australia, my PhD at the University of Cambridge described the first use of FDG PET for atherosclerotic plaque imaging and was funded by a British Heart Foundation Clinical Research Fellowship.

I was awarded a British Heart Foundation International Fellowship to work with Professor Zahi Fayad at Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York. I was a British Atherosclerosis Society Young Investigator in 2003, and the Society of Nuclear Medicine Young Investigator in 2006. Collaborative work between my group and colleagues at Edinburgh University describing vascular NaF PET imaging for predicting heart attack has won the 2011 RSNA Young Investigator Prize and the 2012 Parmley prize from the American College of Cardiology. My PhD students have been successful at winning national and international research awards, including a second Parmley prize from the American College of Cardiology for work describing a new way of quantifying vascular inflammation in 2018.

I was a member of the Programme Committee of the British Cardiovascular Society from 2009-2015 and a member of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group of Nuclear Cardiology and CT since 2007. I am a member of the SHAPE scientific advisory board and the MRC-MHRA PET Imaging Advisory Committee. My research is/has been supported by HEFCE, the Wellcome Trust, the British Heart Foundation, the Evelyn Trust, the Academy of Medical Sciences, EPSRC and the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.

I am an Associate Editor and the Digital Media Editor of the BMJ Journal 'Heart', where I host their podcasts. I enjoy science outreach - here are my appearances on the Naked Scientists radio show. I was a 2017 British Science Association Media Fellow. I worked as a Science Correspondent at The Guardian. See a full list of the articles I published there.

Since 2021, I have been the deputy CCIO at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, working closely with the Epic team to improve the usability of the system.


  • Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge - here

  • Publications on Pubmed - here

  • Google Scholar - here

  • Cambridge Cardiovascular - here

  • Twitter - @jhfrudd

Links to MY Heart BMJ podcasts: